Mac Power 1997 December
WASTE Object Handlers 1.2.6.sit
WASTE Object Handlers 1.2.6
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// File Object Handler Utilities for the WASTE Text Engine
// Part of the WASTE Object Handler Library by Michael Kamprath, kamprath@kagi.com
// maintenance by John C. Daub, hsoi@eden.com
// v1.2 28 March 1996, Cleaned up the file with precompiler directives, removing potential
// warning messages, updated PB calls to new function names
// v1.2.1 4 April 1996. Fixed a bad bug where PBHGetVolParmsAsync() was getting called when
// PBHGetVolParmsSync() should have been called instead.
// v1.2.3 24 September 1996 Changed calls to BlockMove() to use BlockMoveData() instead
// v1.2.4 17 January 1996. The 14 routines prototyped in this file were previously all
// declared as 'extern'. If "Activate C++ Compiler" was turned on
// this would generate inconsistent linkage errrors ('extern' object
// redeclared as 'static'). Removed the 'extern' keyword from the
// 14 function prototypes and instead wrapped those same declarations
// with a __cplusplus guard. Also removed the 'static' keywords
#ifndef __ICONS__
#include <Icons.h>
#ifndef __FINDER__
#include <Finder.h>
#ifndef __FOLDERS__
#include <Folders.h>
#ifndef __ERRORS__
#include <Errors.h>
#ifndef __RESOURCES__
#include <Resources.h>
#ifndef __LOWMEM__
#include <LowMem.h>
#include "GetFileIcon.h"
//#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct getIconData { OSType fileCreator;
OSType fileType;
short DTRefNum;
} GetIconData;
//#pragma options align=reset
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef true
#define true 1
#ifndef false
#define false 0
Boolean IsVolEjected( short vRefNum );
OSErr GetCustomFileIcon(FSSpec *filespec, IconSelectorValue iconSelector, Handle *theSuite);
OSErr GetNormalFileIcon(CInfoPBRec *cpb, IconSelectorValue iconSelector, Handle *theSuite);
void GetFinderFilename(StringPtr _finderFilename);
pascal OSErr GetIconProc(ResType theType, Handle *theIcon, void *yourDataPtr);
short FindDesktopDatabase(short firstVRefNum, OSType fileCreator); // returns a DT refnum or 0
Boolean InOneDesktop(short vRefNum, OSType fileCreator, short *dtRefNum);
pascal OSErr GetResourceIcons(Handle *theSuite, short theID, long theSelector);
OSErr CopyEachIcon(Handle theSuite);
pascal OSErr CopyOneIcon(ResType theType, Handle *theIcon, void *yourDataPtr);
short FindGenericIconID(OSType theType, Boolean *inFinder);
pascal OSErr Get1IconSuite(Handle *theSuite, short theID, long theSelector);
pascal OSErr Get1Icon(ResType theType, Handle *theIcon, short *resID);
pascal OSErr TestHandle(ResType theType, Handle *theIcon, void *yourDataPtr);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Custom icons numbered -16496 appear in aliases to volumes and
servers. I don't know where this is documented. */
#define kVolumeAliasIconResource -16496
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
GetFileIcon Given a file specification for a file, folder, or
volume, create an appropriate icon suite
and find its label color.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
pascal OSErr GetFileIcon(
/* --> */ FSSpec *thing,
/* --> */ IconSelectorValue iconSelector,
/* <-- */ Handle *theSuite)
CInfoPBRec cpb;
OSErr err;
*theSuite = NULL;
if( IsVolEjected(thing->vRefNum) )
err = volOffLinErr;
cpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = thing->vRefNum;
cpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = thing->parID;
cpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = thing->name;
cpb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
err = PBGetCatInfoSync( &cpb );
if( !err )
if( (cpb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) == 0) // file
if(cpb.hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags & kHasCustomIcon)
err = GetCustomFileIcon(thing, iconSelector, theSuite );
else // no custom icon
err = GetNormalFileIcon(&cpb, iconSelector, theSuite);
// ----------- end of normal case --------------
// ------- error handler ---------
/*if(thing->parID == fsRtParID) // a volume
if(err == volOffLinErr)
*labelColor = ttOffline;
err = GetVolumeIcon(thing->vRefNum, iconSelector, theSuite);
return( err );
Boolean IsVolEjected( short vRefNum )
OSErr err;
HVolumeParam vol_pb;
vol_pb.ioNamePtr = NULL;
vol_pb.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
vol_pb.ioVolIndex = 0;
err = PBHGetVInfoSync( (HParmBlkPtr )&vol_pb );
return( (err == noErr) && (vol_pb.ioVDRefNum > 0) );
OSErr GetCustomFileIcon(
/* --> */ FSSpec *filespec,
/* --> */ IconSelectorValue iconSelector,
/* <-- */ Handle *theSuite)
short saveResFile, customResFile;
OSErr err;
saveResFile = CurResFile();
SetResLoad( false );
customResFile = FSpOpenResFile(filespec, fsRdPerm);
SetResLoad( true );
if(customResFile == -1)
err = ResError();
err = GetResourceIcons(theSuite, kCustomIconResource, iconSelector);
if( !err )
if( IsSuiteEmpty( *theSuite ) )
err = GetResourceIcons(theSuite, kVolumeAliasIconResource, iconSelector);
CloseResFile( customResFile );
UseResFile( saveResFile );
return( err );
OSErr GetNormalFileIcon(
/* --> */ CInfoPBRec *cpb,
/* --> */ IconSelectorValue iconSelector,
/* <-- */ Handle *theSuite)
OSErr err;
// long dataSize;
// Handle iconData;
// Byte iconType;
GetIconData getData;
short iconID;
Boolean inFinder;
short saveResFile, FinderResFile, sysVRefNum;
long sysDirID;
Str255 finderName;
IconActionUPP getIconProcPtr;
iconID = FindGenericIconID(cpb->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType, &inFinder );
saveResFile = CurResFile();
if( inFinder )
FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kSystemFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, &sysVRefNum, &sysDirID);
SetResLoad( false );
GetFinderFilename( finderName );
FinderResFile = HOpenResFile(sysVRefNum, sysDirID, finderName, fsRdPerm);
SetResLoad( true );
if(FinderResFile == -1)
err = ResError();
err = GetResourceIcons(theSuite, iconID, iconSelector);
CloseResFile( FinderResFile );
else // icons in desktop DB or in System
getData.DTRefNum = FindDesktopDatabase(cpb->dirInfo.ioVRefNum,
cpb->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator );
if(getData.DTRefNum != 0) // the right icons are in some desktop
err = NewIconSuite( theSuite );
if( !err )
getData.fileCreator = cpb->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator;
getData.fileType = cpb->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType;
if(getData.fileType == kApplicationAliasType)
getData.fileType = 'APPL';
getIconProcPtr = NewIconActionProc( GetIconProc );
err = ForEachIconDo(*theSuite, iconSelector, getIconProcPtr, &getData);
DisposeRoutineDescriptor( getIconProcPtr );
if( (getData.DTRefNum == 0) || IsSuiteEmpty( *theSuite ) )
UseResFile( 0 );
err = GetResourceIcons(theSuite, iconID, iconSelector);
UseResFile( saveResFile );
return( err );
void GetFinderFilename(
/* <-- */ StringPtr _finderFilename)
Str255 _defaultFinderFilename="¥pFinder";
StringPtr _lowMemFinderName;
_lowMemFinderName = LMGetFinderName();
if( (_lowMemFinderName != (StringPtr )nil) && (_lowMemFinderName[0] > 0))
BlockMoveData(_lowMemFinderName, _finderFilename, _lowMemFinderName[0]+1);
BlockMoveData(_defaultFinderFilename, _finderFilename, _defaultFinderFilename[0]+1);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
GetIcon This is an IconAction procedure to fill in one
slot of an icon suite, given a file type, creator,
and desktop database.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
pascal OSErr GetIconProc(ResType theType, Handle *theIcon, void *yourDataPtr)
OSErr err;
GetIconData *data;
DTPBRec deskRec;
err = noErr;
data = (GetIconData *)yourDataPtr;
*theIcon = NewHandle( kLarge8BitIconSize );
if( !(*theIcon) )
err = memFullErr;
HLock( *theIcon );
deskRec.ioDTRefNum = data->DTRefNum;
deskRec.ioDTBuffer = **theIcon;
deskRec.ioDTReqCount = kLarge8BitIconSize;
deskRec.ioFileCreator = data->fileCreator;
deskRec.ioFileType = data->fileType;
switch( theType )
case large1BitMask:
deskRec.ioIconType = kLargeIcon;
case large4BitData:
deskRec.ioIconType = kLarge4BitIcon;
case large8BitData:
deskRec.ioIconType = kLarge8BitIcon;
case small1BitMask:
deskRec.ioIconType = kSmallIcon;
case small4BitData:
deskRec.ioIconType = kSmall4BitIcon;
case small8BitData:
deskRec.ioIconType = kSmall8BitIcon;
// The desktop database does not have "mini" icons
deskRec.ioIconType = 1000;
err = PBDTGetIconSync( &deskRec );
if(err == noErr)
HUnlock( *theIcon );
SetHandleSize(*theIcon, deskRec.ioDTActCount);
DisposeHandle( *theIcon );
*theIcon = NULL;
err = noErr;
return( err );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
Find_desktop_database Find the reference number of a
desktop database containing icons
for a specified creator code.
The search begins on a specified volume, but covers all volumes.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
short FindDesktopDatabase(
/* --> */ short firstVRefNum,
/* --> */ OSType fileCreator) // returns a DT refnum or 0
// OSErr err;
VolumeParam vpb;
short DTRefNum = 0;
if( !InOneDesktop(firstVRefNum, fileCreator, &DTRefNum) )
vpb.ioNamePtr = NULL;
for(vpb.ioVolIndex = 1; PBGetVInfoSync((ParmBlkPtr )&vpb) == noErr; ++vpb.ioVolIndex)
if(vpb.ioVRefNum == firstVRefNum)
if( InOneDesktop(vpb.ioVRefNum, fileCreator, &DTRefNum) )
return( DTRefNum );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
InOneDesktop Determine whether the desktop database for
one particular volume contains icons for
a given creator code, and if so, return its
reference number.
Boolean InOneDesktop(
/* --> */ short vRefNum,
/* --> */ OSType fileCreator,
/* <-- */ short *dtRefNum)
OSErr err;
DTPBRec deskRec;
Boolean retVal;
HParamBlockRec _myHPB;
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer _infoBuffer;
retVal = false; // default to failure
deskRec.ioNamePtr = NULL;
deskRec.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
// check to make sure we've got a database first:
_myHPB.ioParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)nil;
_myHPB.ioParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
_myHPB.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&_infoBuffer;
_myHPB.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(_infoBuffer);
if ( ((err=PBHGetVolParmsSync(&_myHPB))!=noErr) ||
((_infoBuffer.vMAttrib&(1L<<bHasDesktopMgr))==0) )
return( retVal );
err = PBDTGetPath( &deskRec );
if( !err )
/* We want to ignore any non-icon data, such as the 'paul'
item that is used for drag-and-drop. */
deskRec.ioFileCreator = fileCreator;
deskRec.ioIndex = 1;
deskRec.ioTagInfo = 0;
err = PBDTGetIconInfoSync( &deskRec );
deskRec.ioIndex += 1;
}while( (err == noErr) && (deskRec.ioIconType <= 0) );
if(err == noErr)
retVal = true;
*dtRefNum = deskRec.ioDTRefNum;
return( retVal );
pascal OSErr GetResourceIcons(
/* <-- */ Handle *theSuite,
/* --> */ short theID,
/* --> */ long theSelector)
OSErr err;
err = Get1IconSuite(theSuite, theID, theSelector);
if(err == noErr)
err = CopyEachIcon( *theSuite );
return( err );
pascal OSErr CopyOneIcon(
/* --> */ ResType /*theType*/,
/* <-> */ Handle *theIcon,
/* --- */ void */*yourDataPtr*/)
OSErr err;
if(*theIcon != NULL)
LoadResource( *theIcon );
err = HandToHand( theIcon );
if(err != noErr)
*theIcon = NULL;
return( noErr );
OSErr CopyEachIcon(
/* <-> */ Handle theSuite)
IconActionUPP copyOneIconProc;
OSErr err;
copyOneIconProc = NewIconActionProc( CopyOneIcon );
err = ForEachIconDo(theSuite, svAllAvailableData, copyOneIconProc, NULL);
DisposeRoutineDescriptor( copyOneIconProc );
return( err );
//#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct genericIconInfo { OSType type; short id; } GenericIconInfo;
//#pragma options align=reset
static GenericIconInfo gGenericFinderIcons[]={ {'ifil',12500},
static GenericIconInfo gGenericSysIcons[]={ {kContainerFolderAliasType,genericFolderIconResource},
short FindGenericIconID(
/* --> */ OSType theType,
/* <-- */ Boolean *inFinder)
short id=genericDocumentIconResource; // default
GenericIconInfo *_icon, *_endIcon;
for (_icon=gGenericFinderIcons,_endIcon=_icon+sizeof(gGenericFinderIcons)/sizeof(GenericIconInfo);
(_icon<_endIcon)&&(_icon->type!=theType); _icon++) ;
if (!(*inFinder=(_icon<_endIcon)))
for (_icon=gGenericSysIcons,_endIcon=_icon+sizeof(gGenericSysIcons)/sizeof(GenericIconInfo);
(_icon<_endIcon)&&(_icon->type!=theType); _icon++) ;
if (_icon<_endIcon)
id = _icon->id;
return( id );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Get1IconSuite Like GetIconSuite, but only looks in
the current resource file.
In case you're wondering why it would be necessary to ensure that
icons come from only one file, suppose you're looking at a
file that has its custom icon bit set, but for some reason does
not contain a custom icon, or at least not a full family.
Way down the resource chain, there may be another file, say a
font file, that does have a full family of custom icons.
So you get an unexpected icon.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
pascal OSErr Get1IconSuite(
/* <-- */ Handle *theSuite,
/* --> */ short theID,
/* --> */ long theSelector)
OSErr err;
IconActionUPP get1IconProc;
err = NewIconSuite( theSuite );
if( !err )
get1IconProc = NewIconActionProc( Get1Icon );
err = ForEachIconDo(*theSuite, theSelector, get1IconProc, &theID);
DisposeRoutineDescriptor( get1IconProc );
return( err );
pascal OSErr Get1Icon(
/* --> */ ResType theType,
/* <-> */ Handle *theIcon,
/* --> */ short *resID)
*theIcon = Get1Resource(theType, *resID);
return( noErr );
pascal OSErr TestHandle(ResType /*theType*/, Handle *theIcon, void *yourDataPtr)
if(*theIcon != NULL)
*(Boolean *)yourDataPtr = false; // not empty!
return( noErr );
Boolean IsSuiteEmpty( Handle theSuite )
Boolean retVal;
IconActionUPP testHandleProc;
testHandleProc = NewIconActionProc( TestHandle );
retVal = true;
ForEachIconDo(theSuite, svAllAvailableData, testHandleProc, &retVal);
DisposeRoutineDescriptor( testHandleProc );
return( retVal );